Friday, May 31, 2013

Building Update- Entry # 3

This was the scene as of last Saturday- May 25, 2013

Things are moving pretty fast these days. Although Monday was a holiday, and it rained on Tuesday, the construction crew continued their progress at the property across the street at location of the new veterinary hospital.

Look what showed up today:
It is very exciting to come to work and see a concrete truck sitting across the street. Isn't it too early for concrete?

Over the last week they completed the work on the underground plumbing and electrical, and had an inspection of those and the footings on Thursday.


This is how it looks today:
Prepared for concrete footings 5/31/3012

The concrete truck is here because they are pouring the concrete footings today.

Here is a closer look:


Why are there several holes in the ground on one side of the structure? As shown in the picture to the right, they are preparing for a small covered patio. This will be a quiet place to take a break, or sit and enjoy the company of a dog.    

In the picture below, the underground plumbing is visible in what will become our treatment room. There will be 3 treatment tables, allowing our doctors and staff more space to treat our patients.

 Later the same day:

There will be more concrete next week-they will be pouring the slab!


Friday, May 24, 2013

Building Update- Entry # 2

From where we sit, in our cozy little office, we have a great view of our newly acquired property across the street. The view has not really changed since 1991, except that the trees have gotten a lot bigger! Other than a few trucks and earth moving equipment, our view remains the same. We are in veterinary medicine, which means we are self sufficient. Need lab work or X-Rays? We do that here, and have the results usually within 30 minutes. Need medication? We'll send it home today. Need surgery? We'll schedule that here. Not like human medicine, right? All this self sufficiency has ingrained in us that things happen "right now". Which leads to the question: At what point in the building process does our view start to change?

     Well...when we leave our cozy little office and walk across
the street, upon closer inspection:


Even a few days has made a huge difference.


These pictures were taken on May 22, 2013. Here, most of the excess dirt has been removed, and the "large hole" that was there last week has been leveled. This will be where the foundation is laid.


So progress IS being made, in a hurry! This fits into our self sufficient world of "right now". Of course, we're not moving in anytime soon, but it gives us hope! It's really   exciting to watch the progress.


A phone is sometimes needed on the job site. This is a good sign for the future that we'll be able to have phone service as well!




After 2 weeks of what seems like nothing going on except dirt being pushed around, we have come to the end of the second week. Has it only been two weeks? Technically, I think it's been two and a half weeks-but that's just small details. The following pictures are where we are today. As you will see, we have forms being laid.  
Now, that IS progress!
To be continued.....

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


                  BEGINS NEW CONSTRUCTION:   

                The destruction begins!

Breaking Ground May 6, 2013

In the beginning....5/14/13
Can you really call it destruction when there is really nothing on the property to speak of, except an old broken down shanty? What are we actually destructing? As you can see in this before picture, the old Rental Place office/repair shop sits in the background, with some broken, weed riddled asphalt in the foreground.

4561 Pleasant Valley Road

The property itself is situated directly across the street from our current location in the Pleasant Valley Square. Someday, after this project is complete, we will tell you the story about the building permit process.

 To continue our story of destruction........

First day of Digging 5/15/13

The earth movers actually began work on the 15th of May. They began with tearing apart the existing asphalt, and created somewhat of a large hole in the center of the property.


7 days later-it is pretty amazing to see how much dirt is being churned up. It looks sort of fun....don't you think?

Now we're seeing some destruction...what a mess!

 We're also getting electricity


Bruce Wirtanen is in charge of our project. Of course he will do his best work for us because his own pets are patients here. Like you, he looks forward to bringing his furry-kids into a brand new hospital!

Interested in seeing more? Check the Blog regularly for status updates and lots of pictures!

"DO I NEED TO BRING MY PET IN?" What constitutes a pet emergency

I think our receptionists answer this question multiple times each day. The phone rings, and the client on the other end describes the symptoms their pet is experiencing, then asks "Do I need to bring him in?".  The rule of thumb is if your pet is sick or injured, you should seek veterinary care as soon as possible. If you are concerned enough to call, then yes....the pet should come in. However, some conditions are more urgent than others, and how is a pet owner to know?

We'll start with some of the conditions that are considered an emergency, requiring 
Seek Immediate care
immediate care:

  • Rattlesnake Bite- a rattlesnake bite is considered an emergency, and you should seek veterinary care for your pet ASAP!
  • Heatstroke- heatstroke is considered an emergency, and you should seek veterinary care for your pet ASAP!
  • Hit by Car- even if the pet was "bumped" and appears ok, sometimes resulting internal injuries are a serious problem.
  • Trauma or Broken Bones- the best chance for recovery is immediate treatment.
  • Excessive Bleeding- seek immediate treatment.
  • Sudden onset of Bloated or Enlarged Abdomen-this can be caused by a condition where the stomach "flips", therefore not allowing anything to exit the stomach. This is a life threatening condition, usually requiring surgical intervention. 
  • Poison Ingestion- rodenticides (such as rat bait), some human prescription and over the counter medications, marijuana, antifreeze, household products and cleansers, and even some household plants are toxic to pets. Chocolate could be added to this list as well, depending on the amount and type of chocolate ingested and the weight of the dog. In any event, call your veterinarian immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested something that he shouldn't have! For a full list of poisonous plants visit:
  • Labored Breathing- immediate care should be sought for a pet experiencing difficulty breathing or a cat with open mouth breathing. This condition could be considered an emergency, requiring immediate care if the pet is pale or blue (check the color of the pets gums).
  • Seizures- a violent or prolonged seizure, lasting longer than 3 minutes.
Schedule an appointment ASAP

The following conditions warrant same day care:
  • Eye Conditions- a foreign body in the eye (such as a foxtail), a sudden change in the appearance of the eye (cloudy or discolored), swelling around the eye, or the pet pawing at the eye are all conditions that warrant a same day appointment.
  • Excessive Vomiting- repeated vomiting, not able to keep down food/water for a period of 12 hours.
  • Bloody Diarrhea- ongoing diarrhea should not be prolonged past 24 hours. Bloody diarrhea warrants same day treatment. Please bring a stool sample to the appointment, if possible.
  • Difficulty Urinating- especially in cats. A male cat who has not urinated, or is experiencing difficulty urinating constitutes immediate medical care.
  • Hives- usually a pet exhibits hives if they are bit by an insect, and experiencing a reaction.


Watch the pet closely and call if symptoms persist
Any abnormal behavior or symptom should not be prolonged longer than 72 hours without care. Unfortunately, with some conditions, the longer care is delayed the worse the condition becomes-sometimes requiring more extensive treatment. Call the clinic if you notice any of the following changes in your pet:
  • Unusual behavior, including lethargy or aggression.
  • Unusual discharge from  the nose, eyes or other body openings.
  • An increase or decrease of appetite that lasts more than a few days.
  • Excessive head shaking, scratching or licking.
  • Swelling or abnormal lumps.
  • Limping or difficulty getting up or lying down.
  • Foul breath or excessive deposits on teeth.
  • Changes in urination or drinking habits,
  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Obvious injury or illness.
Your pets normal body temperature ranges from 100.5-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Although not all conditions or diseases are accompanied by a fever, it is a good idea to keep a digital thermometer at home to monitor your pets temperature if you suspect a medical problem.

For further information, and a more complete list of medical issues in dogs and cats, visit our website for a printable version of "First Aid for Small Animals".