Friday, July 19, 2013

Building Update- Entry # 9

July 16, 2013
This update will be right on schedule! Today is Friday, July 19, 2013. There are only a few pictures from this week, and posting them today will get us all caught up. From here, I will be more diligent about the updates <laughing>. I have enjoyed writing the Blog more than I'll admit to, and it's a nice break from the mess on my desk. I tend to put the inventory invoices (that I should be updating in the computer) aside more often than I should. Hopefully my boss doesn't read that part. The Blog has been nice because it's a real excuse for not updating the inventory in the computer in a timely manner. Sounds good anyway, right?

The building is moving along very fast. This week Ski Air continued
the HVAC installations, and we finalized the inside wiring and electrical details. The electrician has been great, and this week he has been working on the details of accommodating the requirements for our surgery and treatment lights. I am feeling pretty good about things in that department, because I know that if something comes up, he will make it happen.

On the exterior, they spent the week preparing for paint.
July 16, 2013
July 16, 2013

Let there be paint!
July 19, 2013
That is pretty much it for this week...I know, it's disappointing. We were busy this week, and I didn't have a chance to get the usual amount of pictures. Next week will be different! STAY TUNED....

Building Update- Entry # 8

I really hate to do the "then and now" pictures for you again, but since I haven't posted an update since June 28th, I feel that I should. It was not from a lack of wanting to post an update, or even a lack of thinking about posting an update, it was just simply a lack of time. If I fully accomplish nothing else this week, I will accomplish a Blog post!
July 2, 2013
July 12, 2013

Rear of building-July 2, 2013
So what's happened between now and then? Going back to the first week of July, they had a short week because of the holiday. They mostly worked on the siding, and continued interior framing. 

The following week dawned at full speed ahead. They finished the interior framing, finished the siding, the windows were delivered and installed and we met with the 
Window Installation
cabinet people, the electricians and the plumber. It was a week of decision making as Dr. Jackett chose the exterior paint colors, and the specifics of the interior cabinets and counters. I met with the inside wiring person for phone, data and audio wiring locations. Ski Air came in to begin the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) work. Although the appearance from the outside did not change a whole lot, the interior appearance is finally taking shape. Along with all this decision making comes all the anxieties. Is there going to be enough counter space in the lab? Do we need to add a sink here? If we put drawers and cabinets here, will there be enough work space? Will there be enough room along this wall for the charts? Are we going to want a phone in this location in the future? What is the work
Completion of the siding
flow going to be like in this area, and will it be workable? What if we decide in 6 months that we don't like the location of that work station in the pharmacy? We can't have a counter here, it makes the space too small.....and on and on! As we work through it, we continue to make changes. It's all about thinking ahead and planning the work flow. What will work, and what won't. In the end, you hope you figured it out correctly!

On the other hand, we are also seeing all the possibilities. For example, the cat boarding. What if we made hamster tube like cat

walks that ran throughout the front of the reception area? We could also use that when we have kittens available for adoption! They could run around through the enclosed cat walk while everyone oooohed and ahhhed at them. Have I gone too far? Probably. But the cat boarding area is really neat. It is in the reception area against an outside window so the cats can look out. It will be a nice addition to the reception area.

The picture to the left shows the front view while the picture below is from the inside, where the cat condos will be placed. Not into cats? We'll have space in the back to board dogs, too!

The reception desk went through some growing pains last week as well. Meaning there wasn't enough space so we did a little rearranging!
Hopefully someday all the paper records will be trimmed way down as we transition over to being what is called "paper light". Meaning the medical records will be computerized. We've wanted to do that for a long time but the wiring in our current space just wouldn't support the newer technology. I am really excited for the wiring to not only be up to date, but capable enough for technology upgrades.

Rear of the building- July 12, 2013

So there you have it- Your building update through the week ending July 12, and I have completed my "to do" list-sort of. I still have this weeks pictures and updates, but that is another posting. STAY TUNED.....

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How do I know if my pet is in pain?

Pain in Animals.....excerpts from "Managing Canine Pain"

For the purposes of this article pain can be divided into 2 types:
Acute vs. Chronic.
This is an example of a cat in acute pain resulting from a declaw
  • Acute pain can be described as incapacitating, moderate to severe. In general, acute pain resolves when the underlying cause or injury resolves. Many animals experience acute pain after surgery, or as a result of sudden injury or illness.

  • Chronic pain can be described as prolonged, continuous, or intermittent. Chronic pain occurs for 3 to 6 months, but can last for years. This type of pain serves no useful purpose and is associated with disturbances of physiology, potential increase of other diseases such as cancer,
    A limping dog could be an example of chronic pain
    worsening of osteoarthritis, decreased activity, changes in behavior such as aggression, depression or anxiety. When chronic pain builds slowly the animal may learn to tolerate and live with it. In these instances, the goal is to treat he cause whenever possible, as well as relieving the pain.

It is important to recognize that chronic pain in animals may be a result of underlying medical conditions such as osteoarthritis, inflammatory disorders such as ear infections, orthopedic  problems such as disc disease, soft tissue injury such as phantom limb pain, dental disease and tumors which are themselves chronic.

Domesticated dogs and cats are genetically programmed not to show pain....a characteristic exhibited in the wild to protect animals from predators. The way individual animals respond to pain can vary depending on age, health status, species and age.
Note: It is important to recognize departures from the animals normal behavior and appearance.
  • Changes in attitude or personality
  • Abnormal Vocalization
  • Licking, biting, scratching or shaking of a painful area.  
  • Limping
  • Changes in hair coat.
  • Changes in posture or ambulation
  • Changes in activity level
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in facial expression
  • Changes in elimination habits
  • Other signs can include: Hiding, seeking more affection, protecting the injured area, and aggressive or defensive reactions to touch.
It is important to mention that the above noted symptoms point to different causes, and the animal will not exhibit all of these symptoms. This is just a guideline to assist you in understanding how your pet may exhibit pain. In the next article, we will address pain diagnosis and treatment.